In 10 years, while lawsuits in general grew by 50% in Brazil , this increase in the Health segment reached 130%. This data is from a survey carried out by the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (Insper) (the Teaching and Research Institute) for the Conselho Nacional de Justiça (The National Justice Council).
Within the insurance market, one of the branches which suffers most from judicialization relates to personal risks , albeit not exclusively. “The losses to the insurance companies do not exist only when they lose the suits, as a heavy structure is needed to manage them, which can be very costly,” states Dr. Leonardo Bagno, Delphos’ Legal Manager.
The company started operations in full support to lawsuits with the housing Insurance from the now-defunct Sistema Financeiro da Habitacao — SFH–(The Housing Financial System), and later moved on to provide back office and lawsuit administrative management to all mass insurance branches. “In the recent years, Delphos was able to mitigate losses of over R$ 4.2 billion to its clients”, reports Mr. Bagno.
A team comprising administrative experts, legal analysts and attorneys has already taken charge of following up more than 30 thousand lawsuits, brought by more than 280 thousand plaintiffs.
Delphos Lawsuit BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) ensures suit follow-up and support to technical offices hired by the companies, from new suit receipt to their actual closing. “Thus, we guarantee autonomy and security to insurance companies in the defense of their interests in the legal scope”, sums up Dr. Leonardo Bagno.
Among the tasks the insurance companies transfer to the Delphos are suit receipt and enrollment, drawing up defense subsidies, suit deadline control, forwarding of publications to hired offices, document management, company database maintenance, and upkeep on lawsuits, expenses and reimbursement control, and so on.
Delphos also helps in indicativo technical experts for carrying out expertise tasks , as well as corresponding attorneys, and in the preparation of procedures for reimbursement policies and systematizing of payments made by Insurance companies and their hired offices.