Information Technology Is Basic To Business Competition

Specialized in technological solutions and processes for insurance management, Delphos updates trends seeking an increase in productivity. Information Technology (IT) services were the core  to keeping companies active in 2020, due to isolation impositions, and, thus, remote work on account of the coronavirus pandemic. For 2021, the outlook is that companies continue investing in digital transformation and enhancing automation…

5 boas razões para investir na proteção dos dados da sua empresa

No ambiente empresarial é cada vez mais importante tomar cuidados especiais para segurança de dados e cumprimento de exigências.A situação faz com que os gestores deem muita atenção à segurança da informação. As leis de segurança de dados (RGPD na Europa e LGPD no Brasil) reforçam a necessidade cada vez maior de proteger os dados…

Why Salesforce Sales Cloud is CRM’s #1 platform

SALESFORCE is the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) worldwide leader, according to data from Gartner that ranked it first place in the Magic Quadrant for Sales Force Automation (SFA) for 11 consecutive years in 2017. (source:, consulted on 06/27/2018 at 10:39) Salesforce Sales Cloud is the CRM’s #1 platform, which enables supporting sales management and…

Advantages of the BPO for the insurance segment

In the business area, optimizing processes represents, most of the times, more competitiveness and better return to the market. For this reason, there ever more emerge new tools which enable carrying out these processes in a more professional and specialized manner. Insurance companies have increased their market share through product diversification and innovation. Although expenses…

Main CRM Salesforce advantages

Technology has better connected the world, and this has directly impacted the way businesses are carried out. It is necessary, in the digital era, to use the available electronic means to gain business speed and effectively interact with clients. For example, a commercial department dedicates less time than it should to sales, on account of…