Claim Regulation

DELPHOS is experienced in the claim regulation process for the Life, Housing, DPVAT, Multirisk (residential, condominium and corporate), fire, rural pledge, theft, engineering risk, glass, fidelity, bank global, rental deposit bond, credit, guarantee and liability branches, for insurers and insurance brokers. BPO regulation services can be hired by insurers of any size.

The material and personal damage regulation process relies on the following activities:

  • Analysis of documents sent by the insured parties.
  • Identification of event causes.
  • Survey of damage occurred.
  • Identification of death and permanent disability situations.
  • Analysis of occurrence mechanics.
  • Adjustment of cases to pertinent policy.
  • Requesting complementary documentation, when needed.
  • Market price survey.
  • Indemnification amount arbitration.
  • Services to insured parties, brokers, insurers and stipulating parties.
  • Issuing of managerial or operational reports requested by clients.
  • Enabling, by internet or in real time, of all process stages.
  • Regulation report and issued letters.
  • Drawing up of final regulation report.

Medical Expertise Management

DELPHOS, as from its experience in claim regulation for the Persons branch (especially Housing and Life, which bear death and permanent disability coverages), is able to provide Medical Expertise Management, as well as the management of the entire macroprocess for insurers and insurance brokers.


DELPHOS is experienced in the claim regulation process for its Life, Housing, DPVAT, Multirisk (residential, condominium, and corporate), fire, theft, glass, and credit for insurance companies and insurance brokers.


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