Delphos, the most traditional insurance market service provider, was founded by actuaries Jayme Menezes and José Américo Peon de Sá, celebrated its 50th anniversary on May 10th of this year, almost one year after the Group Life Insurance Club (CVC-RJ) of Rio de Janeiro reached its half century of existence. These two entities are linked not only by their close service time: Delphos is one of the Club’s most distinguished members.
To celebrate this important milestone, DELPHOS hosted a series of events dedicated not only to its in-house associates, but also to its clients and external associates, among which CVC-RJ. At a cocktail held at the Aspargus restaurant, downtown Rio, in the traditional Edifício das Seguradoras, the Club’s President and Vice-President, respectively Marcello Holanda and Carlos Ivo Gonçalves, took the opportunity to congratulate the company for its service quality, rendered in a pioneering fashion to the insurance market.
Earlier on the same day, the so-called “Delphos family” came together for a Grace Mass celebrating the anniversary, at the São Francisco de Assis Parish, in Rio Comprido, very close to Delphos’ headquarters. Delphos employees were also hosted for a luncheon, at which, as has already become a tradition, Delphos’ Board of Directors handed out plaques and gifts in recognition to those who dedicate or have dedicated themselves to Delphos throughout its last 10 to 40 years of activity. On May 12th, the Board of Directors held an exclusive party for its staff and relevant ones at the Rio de Janeiro Yacht Club. Also, in São Paulo, clients were hosted, on May 18th, for a cocktail.
At all events, the book “Delphos — 50 Testimonials from people who have helphed to write our history” produced as a tribute to the company’s 50th anniversary, containing events narrated by in-house associates themselves. It is possible, at each case recorded in the publication, to envisage a step in the successful path which makes Delphos the most traditional and acknowledged company of its field in the insurance market.
“As we are a family organization, which is proud of that, and which originated in two traditional families in the insurance segment, we concluded that it would be indispensable to invite our associates to be protagonists of Delphos’ history. This is one of our company’s main differentials”, comments Elisabete Prado, Delphos’ Commercial and Marketing director. In the book preface, Eduardo Menezes, who has led the company since 2007, praises the in-house associates’ role and thanks the insurers and the other clients which have hired Delphos’ services, as well as the companies which supplied products and services during these 50 years, thereby contributing “to the making of this history”.
The grand event — the most awaited of all celebrations, however, was the gala night, attended by all in-house associates, as well as by former associates who had worked at the company for more than 20 years, at the Rio de Janeiro Yacht Club. The party was entertained by attractions catering to all tastes, delighting all. The book was handed to each collaborator, with a special message from president Eduardo Menezes.
Olympiads — Delphos Olympiads were held from April 6th to May 6th, as part of Delphos’ 50th anniversary celebrations. Divided into four teams, the associates took part in soccer, running, volleyball, table tennis, foosball, domino, snooker, table soccer, canasta, card games, and Counter Strike competitions. So as to keep up with tradition, the last event was held at major street run, at which the team with the biggest number of most successful participants was the one winning more points.