Specialized in technological solutions and processes for insurance management, Delphos updates trends seeking an increase in productivity.
Information Technology (IT) services were the core to keeping companies active in 2020, due to isolation impositions, and, thus, remote work on account of the coronavirus pandemic. For 2021, the outlook is that companies continue investing in digital transformation and enhancing automation of Information Technology Service Management (ISTM) used to design , supply, manage, and strategically improve IT within an organization. As BPO (Business Process Outsourcing and Technology Outsourcing) and Technology provider, Delphos already displays , in its curriculum ITSM tool expertise.
“With clients and partnerships spread throughout Brazil, having two system development centers in different states, the company has always adopted the ITSM to control demands, productivity and service to internal and external clients in a digital manner, coupled to remote support and workflow resources”, comments Nei Ogawa, Delphos’ IT Director.
Even with the need for staff isolation due to Covid-19, Delphos has not been hit as some companies were. This so happens because the company has, in its scope, the technological breakthrough so requirered in this period. “There has been no impact upon the supply or delivery of our clients’ new demands and projects as well as the companies’ internal work. The HR internal processes, for example, are entirely automated. Delphos was already equipped with workflows for financial and accounting control”, points out Ozawa.
In this sense, Delphos has always been updated with market trends and clients’ needs seeking to increase productivity through process and procedure automation.
After all, the company bears the mission to provide process and technology solutions which user in best results in insurance management.
Delphos has developed so as to contribute toward improving clients’ service, several solutions to fulfill insurance market needs, as follows ,
Renders available to the Insurance Company and Policy Holder the entire lifecycle of a claim, from indemnification application to payment of compensation presenting reports and charts controlling all open and closed claims.
DPS and LDA (ApiDelphos)
This is a system made available to the Insurance Company and to the Policy Holder for DPS electronic filing, abolishing thereby the traditional paper DPS, and enabling automation of a series of processes (automatic approval, medical forwarding, and so on), without human factor need for evaluation. The system allows for parameter setting to adapt to each insurer’s policies.
Remote Inspection (Vsr Delphos). This system was developed to enable the insured Itself to carry out an on-site inspection, using a smartphone app, relaying photo and occurrence details, and also allowing for interacting with engineers in case help is needed. This resource prevents the insurance company from sending an Inspector to the site, thereby saving time and cost with these displacements.
BI (VinDelphos) : BI is a powerful Insurance Company follow-up and control tool.
VinDelphos bears an interactive and intuitive interface facilitating use by any user, even by those with little or no technology training, presenting graphs and reports as per user needs, not relying on the insurer’s IT areas.
Legal Acts (SajDelphos) : a system developed for following up legal action lifecycles including technical and managerial information using structured reports and audits to identify fraude indicators.
In tune with market trends, Delphos bears products to help and improve IT service performance in the Insurance Company market. Companies, such as ERP SegDelphos, which is able to meet all insurance company needs in a fully integrated and parametrized manner.
SegDelphos contemplates Service Modules (Call Centers) , Commissions, Accounting, Coinsurance and Reinsurance, Issuing, Financial and Claims, In addition to bearing resources facilitating configuration of Insurance Company business lines, and following Susep’s legal standards, and best security and reliability practices.
“SegDelphos is fully modular, allowing for very fast and expedite implementation and, for being comprised of integrated modules, allows for cost and maintenance time reduction”, explains Nei Ogawa.
According to Delphos’ IT Director, for a company to stand out in the insurance market, it must have good products and competitive prices. In parallel, it should it should care of , and train its professional well, supplying them with resources for their acquiring in-depth business and providing services to their clients, thereby keeping them very motivantes.
“IT plays a fundamental role in the company, enabling professionals from the business, client service, and backoffice to have precise and immediate information for safe decision making. Information Technology allowing for providing correct information to clients by putting in place systems encompassing all insurance areas in an integrated manner with reliable information, thus allowing for implementing new functionalities, in an expeditious manner, as required by the market, thus keeping the professionals focused on the business, explains Ogawa.