The Delphos Group, as set forth by Law n. 13.709/2018, undertakes to protect the privacy of the data transiting in the company and deal with personal data only in compliance with the applicable legislation and good data processing practices.
This Privacy Policy aims to clarify issues on general rules for collection, production, receipt, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmissibilidade, distribution, processing, filing, storaging, deletion, appraisal or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, publication or extraction of personal data from the institutiona site or from the client and supplier chains.
What is Personal Data
The concept of personal data is broad. It comprises all information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, that is, any piece of data allowing identification of a person is deemed as personal data. Names , surnames, dates, official identity numbers, physical and electronic Andressa, phone numbers, cookies, GPS navigation records, among others.
There is still what the General Data Protection Law identifies as sensitive data, which comprise all those dealing with racial or ethnic origins, religious beliefs, political opinions, membership to a trade union or to a religious,philosophical or political organization, data referring to health or to sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.
On Data Collection
User data collection from the institutional site comprises the minimum personal data needed for the relationship of communication with the company commercial and ombudsman areas, in addition the client, service provider , and insured party query areas, used exclusively for their proposed purpose.
Upon acessing the site, a user ratifies its agreement for the storaging of personal data which may be informed.
Throughout access, the Delphos Group will use navigation cookies, when the function is not blocked by the user, and stressing that its use may comprise site performance and functionalities upon navigation.
Upon contract performance with clients and suppliers, the Delphos Group shall ensure that collection, production,receipt, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, filing,storaging, deletion, appraisal or control of information, transfer, publication or extraction of personal data shall comply exclusively with the General Data Protection Law.
Disagreement with this Privacy Policy automatically leads to voidance on site use any access platform.
On Data Treatment
Data treatment compiles with the principles and requirements pointed out under articles 6 and 7 of the General Data Protection Law, being limited only to complying with the legitimate purposes described in the service contracts executes with clients and suppliers, and from which the holders of data subject to treatment are partíes to.
The principles and requirements complied with extende to the use of data storaged through access to the institutional site,enabling communication for product and service supply, contract with clients and suppliers , and content release.
Information is kept under strict secrecy in a database and used to :
- Inform on our products and services;
- Enhance our services, products, contents, and convey news or any kind of information important for users to know.
- Draw up studies and statistics.
No information collected during its registration shall be sold or disclosed to third partíes without prior notice, except in cases of judicial orders or legal determination.
On Data Storaging
Storaged data shall remain in our database for the time needed for compliance with its proposed purpose , duly in line with legal and regulatory rulings.
On Data Deletion — Right to Forget
Upon holder’s request, data shall be excluded within the terms defined by the Delphos Group, in due compliance with the legal and regulatory rulings.
On Data Holder’s Rights
The data holder may, at any time, in compliance with the legal and regulatory rulings, request ::
I – confirmation of existence of treatment;
II – access to data;
III – correction of incomplete, inexact, or outdated data;
IV -anonimization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary data, excessive data , or data handled out of compliance with the provisions of this Law;
V – data portability to another service or product supplier, through express request and in compliance with commercial and industrial secrecy, according to the controlling body’s regulations;
VI – deletion of personal data treated with holder’s consent;
VII – information from public and private entities with which controller has carried out shared data use;
VIII- information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of denial;
IX – revoking of consent, according to provisions of § 5 of art. 8 of Law 13.709/18.
On Data Protection
The Delphos Group undertakes to comply with all rules set forth under this Privacy Policy and ensures the application of strict security measures to all products, solutions, and services provided which entail personal data treatment..
The Delphos Group ensures the confidentiality of the data collected and that user information which may be obtained shall not be shared with any other entity or for commercial purposes which exceed the limits of the provisions in our institutional site.
Applicable Legislation
This Privacy Policy shall be exclusively regulated by the General Data Protection Law, n. 13.709/2018, and may be updated whenever needed.
In case of doubts or for more information, send e-mail to