SajDelphos was developed to support the entire life cycle of lawsuits, including administrative, technical-legal and management information routines, through structured reports and process audits to identify fraud indications.
- System modulated according to clients’ needs
- Customized access controls per user group
- Proceeding information control
- Legal document management
- Legal term automated scheduling
- Sending of warnings to responsible parties through publication receipt
- Management of legal term and appeal fulfillment
- Registration of appeals of 2 and 3 instances
- Expert witness and technical assistant information registration
- Module for proceeding cost payment requests of any nature
- Management of legal cost payments
- Exporting of documents and proceeding instruments
- Issuance of pre-formatted reports
- Increases integrity of information inserted in tool
- Provides for managing system access control
- Monitors changes performed by users
- Provides total efficiency in controlling of legal terms and critical events
- Allows for standardized classification of procedural instruments
- Allows for defining distribution of proceedings to responsible parties based on registered suit risk
- Ensures court cost, fees, relief and execution cost payment control in a practical manner
- Customizes information according to clients needs