Delphos Envisages Presential Return In November

“I believe that the pandemic has brought about changes to the corporate routine, with lessons ranging from breaking the dogmas that nothing makes things grow better than the master’s , up to the most striking one’s, involving technology. For a great variety of reasons, the productivity índex has increased, with people working remotely, in Home…

Elisabete Prado is Delphos’ new president

Admitted to Delphos in 1980 às claim analyst, Elisabete Prado had an exemplary career, advancing quickly from material damage claim area supervisor to branch manager, southeast regional manager, assistant corporate director , commercial and marketing Director , to vice-president and, finally, President . For Elisabete  Prado, the mission of being at the helm of this…

SegDelphos organizes itself and streamlines insurers’ backoffices

SegDelphos comprises an operational management system to handle insurers’ entire backoffices. Besides the financial and accounting sector, found in any ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), it also bears the technical modules, involving issuance/billing of insurance premiums, claims, commissions, coinsurance and reinsurance, and compliance with the regulating body (SUSEP), describes Carlos Trindade, IT Manager (photo). Tool use…

Nei Ogawa

Delphos Has New Tecnlology Director

Displaying broad national and International experience in drawing up, managing, and performing of technology planning and strategies, Mr. Nei Ogawa  was Delphos’ superintendent between 2009 and 2013. Delphos will now rely on a new talent in its IT team. Hired to head the Technology Directorship, a position which, since 2019, had been cumulatively performed by…

Technology facilitates Delphos’ clients’ remote work

In times of Home office work, the VinDelphos tool has proven to be a powerful ally to company clients. This comprises a Business Intelligence solution allowing users to quickly and easily create analyses, reports, and view data through interactive graphs via web anytime and anywhere. Delphos’ president, Eduardo Menezes, explains that, “during remote work, several…


THE NEW SCENARIO DEMANDS CHANGES Monitor Mercantil starts a series of reports made together with insurance market players —- insurance companies, brokers,service providers , and representative entities —- to show how the latter are gearing up to act in the new scenario imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. How will the post-pandemic future of businesses, companies,…


In 10 years, while lawsuits in general grew by 50% in Brazil , this increase in the Health segment reached 130%. This data is from a survey carried out by the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (Insper) (the Teaching and Research Institute) for the Conselho Nacional de Justiça (The National Justice Council). Within the insurance…

The essential back up for insurers

For more than half a century, a Rio de Janeiro company has provided services that are indispensable for Brazilian insurers. Recognized for excellence in its activities, Delphos SA is a consecrated brand in the market, founded in 1967 by actuaries Jayme da Silva Menezes and José Américo Peón de Sá and by broker Fernando Newlands.…